Captain’s Log
The mood aboard the ship is that of elation. Kids are going back to school. F*% yeah!
The crew is actually pretty pumped to be going back. Basically, I think they know there Captain is a horrible educator and being home means way too much home-ec class. Although, I do think they are going to miss my daily list of chores, they really love that part of their day. I’ll have to see if I can still work it in for them.
The Dutchess has been organizing her back to school list. I have started as well. So far it includes ; pencils, paper, binders, face masks, hand sanitizer and Kleenex. Maybe a hazmat suit? Just in case.
Also, maybe some nice premixed vodka sodas for their teachers. I find one really helps make Math more exciting. Something to think on.
In other news it look like we are sailing into what’s gearing up to be a great summer long weekend. I’m going to make a dump run, shuttle some kids around and enjoy some libations on the deck (after said driving , obviously)
Stay safe everyone. Don’t get too comfortable. Remember your physical distancing, we REALLY need those kids to go back to school in September.
