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Monday, February 8th, 2021

The ship and her crew enjoyed another snowy weekend in lockdown. Despite the Freezing temperatures and high winds we made the best of our time together. We enjoyed some evening snowshoeing and snowy dog walks around the neighborhood. Although Relic and The Duchess were less than enthusiastic to venture out into the cold, it was my birthday weekend and therefore they had to do all the things I wanted to do. Which basically was anything that would garner me eye rolls and attitude.

We were also anxiously awaiting the results of a top secret mission that occurred a week prior.

For Christmas this year the neighboring pirate ship bought us a trail cam to match theirs, along with a fun and family friendly competition to give us focus during a ski-less winter. The challenge, to see which ship could capture the best wildlife photos in their respective backyards. Hands down the best gift we received, this crew loves some good healthy competition.

Unfortunately, we have yet to catch anything on camera. At this point we are losing, and not by a bunny or a squirrel but by a freaking coyote.

The Duchess, decidedly bored with the lack of results from our own yard suggested we up the game, and hatched a fun plan to mess with that family of scabby sea bass down the road. Number 2 and Relic, thrilled for once not to be the victim of her evil schemes and pranks, were all too happy to join in on the planning. I on the other hand was slow to give approval, as I knew this plan would require me to put on full snow gear, and I had already taken my bra off. But after one look at their excited faces I rallied and suited up. So glad I did, it ended up being the best part of my day.

As we gathered around the kitchen table we began to plan our attack. We knew the location of the asset , the trick was going to be getting to it without The Skipper or his watch dogs figuring it out. We would need to approach the site far enough away from their house as to not alert the dual barking security systems, or motion lights. Once we made it past there we'd have to keep a sharp eye out for their nefarious cat, John Lennon. Lastly, but arguably the most important we'd have to accomplish all of this and also not leave obvious tracks in the snow.

With a good heave ho the crew managed to expertly make their way along the shoreline to complete a very successful photobomb mission. Not only did the crew managed to pull the entire thing off undetected, but I managed to keep a secret all week! The Skipper and the crew of the S.S D.O.C.K Life never saw us coming.

I am so proud of the team work and ingenuity the crew showed over the course of this rigorous test. The Duchess definitely earned her stripes on this mission, I have promoted her to Senior Case office, her role will now also include the organization and execution of all future shenanigans and pranks.

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Feb 10, 2021

love this

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