Captain’s log
The ship didn't exactly follow it's planned course for the weekend but we still managed to all find exactly what we needed.
The Dutchess was thrilled to spend the last 2 days hanging out with her partner in crime again. The girls have been talking excitedly about back to school shopping. I'm predicting face masks becoming the new hot trend. I have been strongly advised to the ones they want and that my failed DIY ones will not be tolerated.
Number 2 and I enjoyed our first evening out since before ski season together. A double date.
I am delighted to report that I put jeans on and did them up... Without having to lie down. Feeling confident AF I ventured a bit deeper in the closet and fished out a cute (not athleisure) top and heels.
I'm talking a real bra, real waistband pants, accessories and makeup. The full gambit.
It felt amazing.
We returned aboard the ship to a moderately clean home and the crew getting along. Calling that a win and will be awarding them extra lined paper so not eating a week's worth of snacks.
We've to Settle onto the back deck, getting eating alive by mosquitos, and feeling totally relaxed and blessed. I Iove long weekends.
That being said I may feel differently in the morning given I've shared a bottle of wine with dinner.
